Gergana Lambreva
Therapies - Yoga - Retreats
Craniosacral Therapy -
in-person & on-distance

“The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.”
What is it?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle yet profound form of treatment, which enhances the functioning of the Central Nervous System and supports the body’s natural capacity for self-repair, regulation and healing. Working with the source of pain or discomfort and the whole body-mind-soul system simultaneously, CST can help restore and maintain physical, mental and emotional health.
The therapy has its roots in osteopathic medicine and was first developed in the early 20th century by the American osteopath, Dr William Sutherland. His work was later continued and expanded by another osteopath, Dr John Upledger who began to teach cranial work to non-osteopaths and over the last 35 years, the therapy has evolved as a modality in its own right.
With its unique approach of gentle, non-intrusive, supportive space-holding, the therapy has earned its reputation as a safe and effective treatment for babies and children, pregnant women, as well as people of all ages and states of health.
How does treatment work?
Our bodies express the contents of our subconscious minds.
Enfolded and stored within the body are our past experiences. When ‘undigested’, these create layers of tension, which inhibit our body’s ability to self-heal.
We can become disconnected from a sense of wellbeing and discomfort and illness may settle in as a result. This is our body’s way of getting our attention.
Treatment works to firstly induce our parasympathetic nervous system; our brain wave pattern changes as a result - from the common, high-activity beta to a slower, meditative theta. This is characterised by a state, in which the body moves into stillness, senses go within, the mind enters the gateway to memories and feelings, inspiration and imagination are awakened. At this depth of perception, any repressed material can float up to the surface, where it is acknowledged and safely released.
During a session I ‘listen’ to your whole being (perception is never limited to the body but extends to your non-physical nature) through my senses, tracing the subtle Craniosacral rhythmⁱ across fluids and tissues, sensing where healthy motion is restricted. Once acknowledged, these restrictions dissolve, freeing up an optimal energy flow and vitality.
Craniosacral work is traditionally hands-on work. It specialises in localising touch within the head, spine and sacrum but it is not limited to those areas, nor is it limited to the physical.
Above all, it is an energy modality and the biodynamic method works directly with the so called ‘Tides’ - levels of Being, which express the one Life that we are all part of.
With traditions slowly crumbling away under the immensity of recent events and life conditions, craniosacral work is changing face, once again.
Like many of my colleagues around the world, I began experimenting with distance CS therapy although at first, I could not understand intellectually, how it may work.
Yes, we do know that the quantum field is accessed through a shift in perception/intent and we also know that time and space do not exist in it. In other words, we are all part of a time/space continuum, which connects us rather than separates us. As Einstein had said – ‘Time and space are modes, by which we think and not conditions, in which we live’.
This is still only theory to me but experientially, I began to notice that treating people on distance, felt very similar, both to myself and my clients, at times way more powerful than working hands-on with them.
It almost feels as if we use the body as a bridge, to access the energy that underlies it and when the body isn’t there, directly in my hands, I can go straight into that energy field. There’s no need to cross a bridge then.
In addition, I also keep noting that people often feel more comfortable in their own home and without the need to travel to me and back after, they have the ability to rest and better integrate the effects of the session.
(i) Craniosacral rhythm – the subtle pulsation of the craniosacral system as the cerebrospinal fluid circulates through it in a dynamic loop. It expresses the underlying vitality of the system.
Who can benefit?
Treatment is gentle, non-invasive and suitable for everyone – from newborn babies to the elderly.
Adults come for many and varied reasons. Some come with specific health issues, such as headaches, bad backs, digestive problems, chronic conditions, exhaustion, insomnia etc. Others come to explore how they have embodied birth and childhood traumas or unresolved emotional issues. Many find CST beneficial in dealing with stress and stress-related or chronic problems.
What is often received through this therapy, are the added gifts of increased body and mind awareness, a stronger connection to Self, a shift in deep-seated patterns, a more regulated nervous system and a sense of peace and mastery in our daily living.
The therapy can be highly effective in working with developmental trauma (it is rated amongst the top 10 therapies in this field). This is the range of our adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s), which, if left unresolved, can become the cause of most ‘difficult to treat’, chronic and auto-immune conditions.
It is worth noting here that in the words of Dr Gabor Maté, “trauma is not what happened TO you but what happened INSIDE you, as a result of what happened”. We all have different capacities for responding to our environment and even a simple lack of emotional attunement by our primary caregivers in early life can lead to significant nervous system dysregulation, which later can manifest as chronic illness or major lack of balance and wellness.
Babies are generally very responsive to CST and enjoy its gentle, nurturing approach. Those who have experienced traumatic or caesarean birth and the resulting shock, overwhelm, poor sleep, colic or frequent infections can benefit enormously from this therapy.
Children of all ages and many common behavioural, social and learning difficulties respond very well also.
What to expect?
Each session is unique and individual as I tailor it to you and your needs on any given day.
In-person treatment takes place fully clothed, lying comfortably on a treatment couch. I make light contact with different areas of your body, mainly along the spine and head but it could also be on your legs, arms and torso.
Distance sessions can be done from the comfort of your home, via zoom/telephone for verbal/visual contact, while you lay on a bed or couch. A quiet environment around you is helpful but not essential.
During treatment, most people enter a deep state of relaxation, at times falling asleep or entering a dream-like state. Some become aware of subtle sensations of movement, tingling, heat or ease in the body.
Occasionally, you may become more aware of symptoms right after treatment and this is part of the healing process. The work is often very moving and can feel profound. The sense of settling and deep relaxation can extend into daily life.
If you are interested or have questions about the suitability of the therapy for yourself or your child, please contact me. I often recommend an initial session so that you can get a sense of the work and of me. No amount of information can really convey what this therapy is about. It is only when you have an experience of it that you can connect to its nature.
I look forward to supporting you on your journey to wellness!